News & views
News, views and the juiciest stories. Get it all on the tomato vine.
Announcements from Defra for our sector
Find out about recent announcements made by Defra regarding new policies and activities to help the farming and growing sector to become more profitable.
Critical impact of the Border Target Operating Model on British Protected Edibles Growers
Read our press release on the critical impact that the Border Target Operating Model is having on the operations of many protected edibles growers.
Find out more about a novel insect trap
Learn more about a Novel Insect trap developed at the Natural Resources Institute and read about an event in 2025 where they will be sharing more information.
AHDB Legacy website - a reminder
Visit the AHDB Horticulture Legacy website to find all resources produced by AHDB for protected edible growers, including the Protected Edible Crop Walker’s Guide, research report and other guides.
Border control points update
Find out the latest regarding changes to Border Control Points and how they affect you.
iUK projects - how the BTGA are involved
Read about the BTGA’s involvement in two Innovate UK funded projects.
2025 Sustainable Crop Production Workshop
Anglia Ruskin University (ARU) Writtle and Plant Empowerment to Host Sustainable Crop Production Workshop
UK Tomato Brown Rugose Fruit Virus (ToBRFV) Working Group
Learn more about the UK’s ToBRFV working group.
Delays to seed deliveries into GB from mainland EU
There are ongoing delays with seed imports at the EU/UK border. The BTGA are working on the best approach to discuss these ongoing issues with Defra.
Defra’s supply chain review: next steps
Read the summary of responses and next steps of Defra’s supply chain fairness consultation
Tomato colour charts available to order!
Fresh copies of tomato colour charts are available to order!
Independent review of farm assurance schemes
NFU and AHDB are jointly funding a review of farm assurance schemes in the UK, looking to simplify audits, reduce grower burden and highlight duplication.
Richard Diplock taking on the South Coast Mighty Hike 2024
Support British Tomato Growers’ Association Board Member and MD of the Green House Sussex as he takes on an incredible challenge in aid of Macmillan.
Emergency approval for Tutavir - a gentle reminder
A gentle reminder: Tutavir emergency approval key dates of purchase and usage.
British Tomato Growers’ Association Technical Committee – first meeting under new leadership
Find out about the topics and priorities discussed in our most recent (March 2024) BTGA Technical Committee meeting, including ToBRFV, energy concerns and the development of our R&D strategy.
Get involved with British Tomato Fortnight 2024!
A call for our grower members to get involved with the British Tomato Fortnight campaign this year, to promote the taste, healthiness and sustainability of British-grown tomatoes!
Help with the development of a novel, “zero carbon” fertiliser for Protected Edibles
Complete a survey for CHAP to help in the development of a novel approach to produce environmentally friendly ‘zero carbon’ liquid nitrogen fertiliser for the protected edible sector.
Solar and robotics investment opportunity - Improving Farm Productivity Grant
There is capital grant funding available through Defra’s Improving Farm Productivity Grant, to go towards solar installations or robotics equipment.
The Industrial Energy Transformation Fund (IETF) includes protected horticulture for the first time
For the first time, the Industrial Energy Transformation Fund included Controlled Environment (edible) Horticulture. Find out what is on offer and whether your energy efficiency or decarbonisation project is eligible for grant funding.